Read MapInfo File

This option will read in a MapInfo .MIF and MID file into the job.

The polygon geometry is held in the .MIF file and the Parcel attributes (name, date, plan, etc ) are stored in the .MID file.

Select the file to be read in by the Browse button.

The 'Select Parcel/Data...' window displays the columns of data found inside the .mif file
You must decide which of these columns are to be 'Mapped' to GeoSurvey data elements - 'GeoSurvey Data' window.
When the file is read in, the program uses this ampping to import the data correctly. You need to set up this mapping as eachMapInfo file can contain different columns in a different order. To Map the columns:
  1. Click a row in 'GeoSurvey Data' - say 'Lot'
  2. Click a row in 'MapInfo Columns' - say 'Lot_plan'. The 'Read As' value will then change to 'Lot'
  3. This means that when reading each MapInfo file row, that column contents will be copied to the parcel Lot name field
  4. Repeat this procedure for any MapInfo column data that makes sense to you.
  5. Columns marked '(Unused)' will be ignored.
As a minimum, a column should be set for the Lot and another set for the Plan.
String names will be in the form lot/plan.

Make Parcels from Strings
Tick this box to fabricate Parcels from the string data.

Reset Config
This button will clear all the Mapping Settings/Config.

Load/Save Config
This option allows you to Save the current Mapping Settings/Config to a file for later use.
It can also read Mapping Settings/Config from a file.